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  • How to Enable and Disable USB port Using Terminal in Ubuntu

    Rizka R.

    There are Server way you can enable or disable USB port. We all know common way to enable or disable USB port from bios setting.

    But Here i am sharing some ways to enable disable USB Port by Terminal.

    Method 1 :-

    1. Open Terminal (Ctr + Alt + T)
    2. Type  " chmod 000 /media/ " (FOR DISABLE USB)
    3.To Enable Type " chmod 777 /media/"  (FOR ENABLE USB)

    The above chmod is nothing but change mode which is a part of unix/linux code mainly used for read or write permission that can be represented by numbers.

    Method 2 :-
         In My Second Method , Suppose you want disable and enable port 3 and device 2.(you can get the information from lsusb -t)

    1. Open Terminal (Ctr + Alt + T)
    2. Here i am turn off port number 3 and 2 device.Just Type in Terminal

              " echo '3-2' |sudo tee /sys/bus/usb/drivers/usb/unbind"

    3. For Turn On port number 3 and 2 device Type in Terminal

              "echo '3-2' |sudo tee /sys/bus/usb/drivers/usb/bind"

    Note : If they work for you in Debian, create an alias for them to make life easier for you later. Hope this helps

    Method 3:-

    1. Open Terminal (Ctr + Alt + T)
    2. vim /etc/modprobe.d/usb-storage
    3. install usb-storage /bin/true
    4. To save ESC and wq! enter
    5  sudo reboot
    6. Check Now

    I Hope you like this All.

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